Northern Tuscany

We left Paris Monday morning for Tuscany. We planned to drive (or at least Fritz did) more than half of the 1,100 plus kilometer drive (about 11 hours total if driven straight from point A to point B without stopping) the first day and land in Torino by nightfall. We encountered some traffic blips heading out of France, one lasted about an hour, but we achieved our goal and spent the night in Torino. While we didn’t get to see much of the city that hosted the 2006 winter Olympics, we did get to enjoy some incredibly yummy pizza that night.

The next morning we headed out of Torino to our final destination of Borgo San Lorenzo. Along the way the roads provided some incredible views, exceptional tunnels within mountains (Big Dig should have taken a course in tunnel building from the Italians) and overall just a gorgeous landscape. We made some pit stops, refilled on gas –which when buying it in liters can be a shocker (see pretty views from the gas station below), got a quick bite and some caffeine and since we were making good time, we even had time to stop off at an outlet mall 30 minutes outside of Borgo.

We finally arrived in Borgo at around 3 o’clock at a designated meeting spot waited for our landlord who arrived shortly with her significant other and his son who would translate. We then made our way around some dirt road before ascending very slowly up a narrow pebbled dirt road to our house. The trip up the hill was turbulent and a bit nauseating, but now 5 days in, Fritz has become a pro at navigating and I have become accustomed to the stomach turning trip. The peaceful landscape and the beautiful views from the house make the journey to and fro worth it each time.

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