Arrivederci Italy!


We left Italy last Tuesday and made our two-day drive back to Paris to return our rental. We then left Paris on Thursday to travel back to the States. I have been struggling to write this post partly because I am suffering from jetlag and don’t have the mind power to string thoughtful sentences together, but also because I don’t want to accept that our trip is over.

We wrapped up our adventure due to a number of reasons. When it came time to plan the next leg of our trip for the month of July, we were really stumped about where to go… a place where we wouldn’t be met with hoards of tourists and ridiculous summer prices for rentals. When we thought ahead to having the same issues to contend with for August, we realized that while it would be fun to extend out trip, our funds reserved for the trip would probably be depleted or possibly even overextended by the summer’s end and we would have to return anyway. So we decided to wrap it up and get back to reality sooner rather than later.

We flew into Dulles on Thursday and plan to settle in VA for the near future to be near Fritz’s family. For me, this is a new sort of adventure since I have never lived south of NYC or truly outside of a major metropolitan city. Currently staying with family, our plan is to scope out locations in VA to determine where we want to settle, buy a car or possibly two (we haven’t owned a car in 11 years), and find jobs.

I do plan to write an Italy wrap up post and possibly a trip wrap-up post, but not sure when my brain will be fully functional and ready to dictate the writing.

I haven’t decided on whether I will continue the blog documenting my adventures in VA, but I am planning to unlink my blog from Linkedin and Facebook, so if that’s how you get word of a new post, this will no longer work. Instead, you can go here sign up to get notified whenever I publish a new post or you can just visit the site when you like.

Feel free to email me if you just fell off your chair from my news and want to chat.

Here are some more delicious dishes we enjoyed that I haven’t yet shared with you folks.

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